Modern Cake Flowers with Passionflower Sue

This month’s tip is simple but it’s one of my favorites. If you have a slower season like we do, take some time to experiment and play. 

I recently had the opportunity to spend a day in the studio with Susan McLeary, a florist known for her innovative wearable pieces. Can you believe how amazing these are? She also did the floral wearables for my wedding (pictured above).

Two women model extravagant flower crowns and tattoos designed with fresh florals by Susan McLeary

Wearable floral designs by Susan McLeary


We’re collaborating on an online course about cake flowers and we started by taking a day to experiment. I came away thinking about the possibilities of floral design on cake in an entirely new way.

Here’s a sneak peek of some of the designs we worked on. The yellow floral piece is actually a free standing arrangement that can be made ahead and manipulated into countless designs.


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A yellow three-tiered cake by Sweet Heather Anne, decorated with a matching yellow fresh floral design by Passionflower Sue