The Key To Smooth Cake Deliveries: Details!


Deliveries can be stressful, but having a system in place helps so much! In hopes of providing some inspiration for your own system, I’ve compiled my top delivery tips - and a ready-to-use tool for you!

First off, long before the delivery date I ask a series of questions to set the cake up for success. In my experience, the event planner or venue coordinator often has the best answers.

Questions to ask before delivery:

  • What is the earliest and latest the cake can arrive?

  • When will the guests arrive in the space where the cake is set up?

  • Where will the cake and desserts be placed ?

  • Will the area be air conditioned (if outdoors, will the area be shaded)?

  • Who should we contact for any questions on the day of delivery and what is their phone number?

  • Any special instructions for parking/arrival or unloading?

If they tell you that the cake will be outdoors in an unshaded area - advocate for the cake! People generally don’t want melted cakes and are happy to make changes to the floorplan or delivery timeline to avoid that.

It’s also really helpful to give yourself enough time for each delivery. We like to budget a solid hour for every delivery, and more if we know it’s a complicated set-up.

To ensure my team and I are all working with the relevant information, we fill out this delivery details form. It has saved the day more than once!

You can download a printer-friendly-version OF THE DELIVERY DETAILS form FOR YOUR OWN STUDIO HERE:


But wait, there’s more!

The to-go kit packing list I shared last week can also be customized to your needs to reduce the chances of forget any important items. I recommend using our easy two-part system: Replace anything you used on your previous delivery early in the week, then use the bottom part of the checklist for day-of packing.

Also, if you don’t already have one, get yourself a delivery cart! THIS CART is a life saver for us! It easily folds up to fit in the front seat of any vehicle and can be used for both loading and unloading. I also like to use it as a staging table during set-up. It’s great for laying out fresh flowers so they’re easy to see and even easier to clean up when you’re done. We use non-slip mats on both levels so that things don’t move around.



Learn more studio tricks that my team and I use every day in my Online Tutorials. For more tips like this delivered to your inbox, subscribe to The Cake Break, our once-per-month newsletter for cake decorators and artists.

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