Keeping My Sanity As A Creative Business Owner


Want to know my favorite tip for keeping my sanity as a business owner? Give yourself a consistent weekend!

I know that seems like a simple thing, but hear me out. When I first started out, I felt like I could never get ahead. Every time I wasn’t working I felt guilty, and the work just kept piling up.

Celebrating instead of guilt-tripping

Then, I decided that Sundays and Mondays would be my weekend. Since setting aside a weekend, I’ve worked plenty of Sundays and Mondays. Instead of feeling guilty that I wasn’t getting enough done, I started congratulating myself for getting extra work done on my days off. I’m also more likely to do nice things for myself if I’m working on a weekend. If I have a cake delivery on a Sunday, I’ll often check out a local coffee shop or bring a friend and go out to dinner near the venue.

It’s a simple mindset shift that has allowed me to have better work-life balance and break free of the guilt of my ever-accumulating workload.

REst and renew for a creative boost

Small businesses are constantly evolving and changing, and there is always a laundry list of things to do. Give yourself a break and treat yourself to a weekend. The work will be there when you get back, and you’ll be ready to tackle it with a clear mind and renewed spirit.


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