Cake Business

Tips for Thriving During the Engagement Gap

Is your wedding season looking a little slower than last year? Some wedding professionals are calling this slow-down in events the engagement gap - a result of less new couples during the height of the pandemic, there are fewer engagements and weddings this year. These are our tips for thriving during this temporary lull in wedding bookings

Grateful for You: An Autumn Tutorial SALE!

There was a point a few years into starting Sweet Heather Anne, however, where I almost threw in the towel. We were successfully booking up each week but the work was no longer inspiring and we were struggling to keep up. That’s when we started to shift the business towards making the work that we wanted to make and charging appropriately for that work.

Keeping My Sanity As A Creative Business Owner

I know that giving yourself a consistent weekend seems like a simple thing, but hear me out. When I first started my cake decorating business, I felt like I could never get ahead. Now instead of feeling guilty when I’m with my family, I congratulate myself for any extra work done on my days off or even treat myself for working on weekends.